1.       Arrival of Participants.     
  2. Introduce of participants by father Rector John Cef
    Fereino Ledersma
  3. Warmly welcome by head master Pang Poty to all our
    management Team and Company side.
  4. Interested by Mr Fujita President of TOYOTA Company
    about MoU between Don Bosco Technical School and TOYOTA Company in order to cooperation
    as good on our internship for (SDF) program from 15 May 2024 to 14 May 2025 for
    one year.
  5. Sign MOU between
  6. Representative of Don Bosco and TOYOTA Company 
  7. Mr. Pang Poty Headmaster of DBTSPP
  8. Mr Fujita President of TOYOTA Company.
  9.  Fr. Cef Fereino Ledersma Interested and thank you to Mr. Fujita and team for good cooperated of MOU with SDF program as a partnership on private sector involve with training school. 
  10. Mr. Fujita thanks to Don Bosco technical school and agreed to process as formal MOU a get students for SIPT from 2024.     
  11. Take picture with MOU banner by team
  12.  Break for snack and coffee
  13. Take picture with statue
  14. Take tour by each departments


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