Provide technical education for the poor
Scholarship Program
Since 1991 till now, our main mission is to provide the quality technical training for young people as well as to help in the development of human capital for Cambodia society. To ensure its quality, demand and continuation of the project DBTS Phnom Penh has continuedly working with partners in government agencies, businesses and NGOs to improve its service for the poor across Cambodia.
The opportunity are for both gender between 17 to 24 year old especially for those who came from vulnerable family.

Education methodology
Don Bosco Preventive System
Preventive System of Don Bosco is a Educational Philosophy of Don Bosco which can be consider as Don Bosco’s Way, Style, Approach, Method, System of educating and accompanying young people today. This system is all based on three important pillars Reason, Religion and Loving-kindness. Based on this concept, Don Bosco school are not only focusing on the student’s hard skill but the total development of young included moral, ethic of work, soft skill, social and environmental awareness. Every activities are care fully prepare and evaluate to bring the maximum impact for the development of the young in their psychological or emotional.

Learning Mechanism
We are providing training program from Certificate level 1 till Associate Degree in various skill such as Automotive, Computer, Electrical, Electronic, and Mechanical-welding. Each level has different time line as following:
- Certificate level1 (C1): 6 months
- Certificate level2 (C2): 12 months
- Certificate level3 (C3): 18 months
- Associate Degree: 22 months (or two years)
After finished their training at the school then each level will have to follow another 3 months for Internship Program at the company before their graduate. During the learning inside the school, the students has to fulfill different activities according to their skill both inside and outside the workshop included school event, project works, services from customer as well as elective subject like sport, music, dance, agriculture and environmental activities. Learning schedule from Monday to Friday (7: 30 AM till 4:30 PM).

There are around 100 students (both male and female) living inside the Don Bosco compound while they are studying every year. We provide accommodation with three meals per day. This program will give priority to those poorer students and they have to apply for it.